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  • DerivativeMarketParamUpdateProposal



HourlyFundingRateCap: string

hourly_funding_rate_cap defines the maximum absolute value of the hourly funding rate

HourlyInterestRate: string

hourly_interest_rate defines the hourly interest rate

description: string
initialMarginRatio: string

initial_margin_ratio defines the initial margin ratio for the derivative market

maintenanceMarginRatio: string

maintenance_margin_ratio defines the maintenance margin ratio for the derivative market

makerFeeRate: string

maker_fee_rate defines the exchange trade fee for makers for the derivative market

marketId: string
minPriceTickSize: string

min_price_tick_size defines the minimum tick size of the order's price and margin

minQuantityTickSize: string

min_quantity_tick_size defines the minimum tick size of the order's quantity

oracleParams: undefined | internal.OracleParams
relayerFeeShareRate: string

relayer_fee_share_rate defines the relayer fee share rate for the derivative market

status: MarketStatus
takerFeeRate: string

taker_fee_rate defines the exchange trade fee for takers for the derivative market

title: string

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