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  • BandOracleRequest



askCount: string

AskCount is the number of validators that are requested to respond to this oracle request. Higher value means more security, at a higher gas cost.

executeGas: string

ExecuteGas is amount of gas to reserve for executing

feeLimit: Coin[]

FeeLimit is the maximum tokens that will be paid to all data source providers.

minCount: string

MinCount is the minimum number of validators necessary for the request to proceed to the execution phase. Higher value means more security, at the cost of liveness.

oracleScriptId: string

OracleScriptID is the unique identifier of the oracle script to be executed.

prepareGas: string

PrepareGas is amount of gas to pay to prepare raw requests

requestId: string

Unique Identifier for band ibc oracle request

symbols: string[]

Symbols is the list of symbols to prepare in the calldata

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