Token info is a helper class which abstracts
away handling different versions of a Token
represented on Injective.
Ex: USDC token
For a peggy denom -> decimals 6, address: ERC20 contract address, symbol: USDC
For a factory/cw20Denom: (both 6 decimals)
-> if coming from Ethereum through Wormhole take USDCet as the cw20 addresses will match,
-> if coming from Solana through Wormhole take USDCso as the cw20 addresses will match,
Ex: SOL token
For the native token on Solana -> decimals 9
For the cw20 version of the native SOL token on Injective through wormhole -> decimals 8
Ex: CHZ token
For the peggy denom -> decimals 18
For a factory/cw20Denom:
-> For CHZ coming through Wormhole from Ethereum -> decimals 8
When we have multiple cw20 entries (versions) of a token
on Injective we need to match the denom's address with a
cw20 entry and get the decimals for that version
Returns any
get decimals(): any
Decimals can vary between different versions of a token
so we need to get the decimal places of the token based on the
denom (from which we can derive the source of the token)
Returns any
get erc20Decimals(): number
Returns number
get isCanonical(): boolean
Returns boolean
get logo(): string
Returns string
get name(): string
Returns string
get splDecimals(): number
Returns number
get symbol(): any
When we have multiple cw20 entries (versions) of a token
on Injective we need to match the denom's address with a
cw20 entry and get the symbol for that version
Token info is a helper class which abstracts away handling different versions of a Token represented on Injective.
Ex: USDC token
Ex: SOL token
Ex: CHZ token